
Wednesday 22 August 2012

Tinty Moment of Randomness - 1

If you really love a person, please fight through the circumstances amd get there.
Its like playing video game, where mario or dave or the contra hero fights through different levels of difficulties to get to his destination - to get to his girl - to save her.

Its funny you know, we grow up doing this. Our childhood teaches us to fight through difficult situations. But we are so scared and so afraid and get so weak when it comes to reality. why ?

Probably because life is not a video game :)
And then, we get ready to settle for things which brings less happiness than what we deserve. Hence lesser peace, lesser satisfaction.

Our life gets more about keeping our parents happy, keeping our friends happy, keeping the neighbour's dog and the laundry boy and the milkman happy - I am referring to keeping the less important people happy.
Where is the effort to keep ourselves happy ?

I sacrifice and adjust and compromise and learn and grow. Well yes - please make sure that you do GROW - you will end up seeing yourself have led a meaningless life otherwise.
Its a viscous circle of giving, we adapt and adjust to others. They reciprocate. I don't see this going anywhere. I don't see a destination.

Or maybe its not about the destination, it never was.

It is about the journey.
The journey of exploring - MYSELF.

Lets see, where it goes :)

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